Home Study Support
Organization, Tutoring, curriculum guidance, a safe meeting space, engaged adult interaction -- help designed for all the learners in your family.
As the founders, administrators, and location of a very successful Vermont Recognized Independent school, we are uniquely suited to helping your family enjoy the school years, both learning and teaching.
Baloon cars - how far will it go?
Engineering Towers
General Home School organizational support - is the thought of home schooling overwhelming? We can help!
Full courses, curriculum, or tutoring in:
Core Subjects are taught primarily in a workshop model focusing on individual student needs. Oak Meadow, Center for Teaching and Learning, Great Courses, Saxon, Crash Courses, and independently developed curriculum is used.
Math - 4th grade through Algebra 2
Science - General Science for grades 4 and over, Biology, Earth Science, Introductory Physics, Introductory Chemistry
English - meaningful reading, writing and skill building
Social Studies - American History, World History, Ancient Civilizations, Geography
Please, e-mail us to discuss core content support pricing and structure.
Electives/Enrichments of any type - short courses to explore potential areas of interest or to cement skills. A partial list:
Art Appreciation
Business Management
Calligraphy - IRL only! one 90-min session
Comparative Theology
Home Technology
Language Exploration
Mechanical Tech - IRL only! one 90-min session
Music Appreciation
Office Tech
Specialized Courses - long courses allowing students to focus on their passions.
Food & Nutrition
Language Exploration
Veterinary Science
Separate Pricing, see hand-out
Virtual sessions offered for ease of travel, IRL could be substituted if the class prefers.
Please, contact us for financial assistance information.
Avalon Teaching Farm, L3C is fully able to help your student prepare their EoY portfolio, but we are not able to offer EoY assessments at this time. It is something we are working towards.
Short Courses
Two 40-minute sessions per week for 10 weeks. One virtual and one IRL.
1 student per class $150
2 students - $100 each
3 students - $75 each
4 + students - $50 each
Long Courses
Two 40-minute virtual sessions per week and one 90-minute IRL session for 10 weeks.
1 student per class $300
2 students - $200 each
3 students - $150 each
4 + students - $100 each